Duke User Guide

Duke is a personal chatbot who can help you keep track of your tasks.

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Table of Contents



Duke supports multiple types of tasks

You can keep track of a todo task, a task with deadline, or an event with a specified time.

Search tasks by keyword

You can search tasks containing the keyword(s) you query.

No need to use mouse or trackpad

You can easily use the features using keyboard, hence improves efficiency.


Duke will save the changes in your tasks automatically.


todo <description> - To add a todo task

Adds the todo task.

Example of usage:

todo homework

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✘] homework
Now you have 2 tasks in the list

event <description> /at <date> <time> - To add an event

Adds the event with the specified date and time.

Example of usage:

event webinar /at 20/02/2020 1900

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✘] webinar (at: February 20 2020, 19:00)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list

deadline <description> /by <date> <time> - To add a deadline

Adds the deadline with the specified due date and time.

Example of usage:

deadline lab report /by 22/04/2020 1930

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✘] lab report (by: April 22 2020, 19:30)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list

list - To view the list of all tasks

Displays list of all tasks along with their indices.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1. [T][✘] homework
2. [E][✘] webinar (at: February 20 2020, 19:00)
3. [D][✘] lab report (by: April 22 2020, 19:30)

done <task index> - To mark a task as done

Marks the task whose index in the task list is specified by <task index> as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][✓] homework

delete <task index> - To delete a task

Deletes the task whose index in the task list is specified by <task index>.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][✓] homework
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

find <keyword> - To mark the task as done

Finds the tasks containing <keyword>.

Example of usage:

find web

Expected outcome:

1. [E][✘] webinar (at: February 20 2020, 19:00)

bye - To exit the Duke app

Closes the Duke app.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: The Duke app is closed